What is Route? / Getting Started

Route is not a regular email marketing tool nor a CRM, it’s a tool for marketers and sales people to help them qualify leads along the marketing and sales funnel until they become clients.

What Route does?

Route is a Marketing Automation software that will let you send automated emails based on static lists or dynamic lists that are always changing based on user behavior and characteristics.

If you want you can skip this intro to Route and just see how it works.

What can I do with Route?

You’ll be able to create Broadcasts or Automations.

If you decide to go with Automations you can create transactional automations or behavioral automations.

Is Route the right tool for me?

We know that no technology can be viewed as “the right one” for every business. It all depends what the company choosing a tool needs and wants to accomplish with it.

That said, there’re a few cases you might not think we are the tool you need:

  1. If you ONLY want to import lists and send newsletters, you’ll find on the market other tools that specialize only on this;
  2. If you ONLY need a CRM to empower your sales team or your organization sales efforts, there are other services that will probably offer more than we can;
  3. If you DON’T have a Lead Generation strategy in place and don’t think you’ll start it soon, Route won’t work for you. As Route needs you to collect contact data to make things happen, with no contacts, no success and no value;

But if you want to take your marketing and sales efforts to another level, automate things and engage with leads and customer more efficiently, Route is for you.

If you want to be part of smart companies that are using Marketing Automation to increase their revenue, Route is for you.

If you’re a company that wants to engage with leads and clients by sending them the right content at the right time, Route is for you.

Keep reading to learn more about Route.

Understanding Route terminology

Agents: people you invite to take the roll of sellers, customer success, support or other job position that usually has one specific person assigned to a lead. Learn more.
Automations: where you create all the automated email campaigns. Learn more;
Behavioral: automations with triggers based on user behavior and characteristics. Doesn’t require a main event to trigger the emails. Learn more;
Conditions: set of triggers of a campaign;
Transactional: automations with triggers based on user behavior and characteristics. Require a main event to trigger the emails. Learn more;
Broadcast: where you send mass email marketing (e.g. Newsletters), SMS (soon) and push notifications (soon). Learn more;
Campaigns: section where your broadcast and automations campaigns are created;
Contacts: section where you can find every person you have the email;
Contact Attributes: specific characteristics of a contact. Learn more;
Custom Attributes: attributes you can use to customize your email messages. We use DotLiquid. Learn more;
Events: user behavior that you can track via Forms, JavaScript/API, Segment or one of our third party integrations;
Forms: section where you can identify and integrate your own site forms. Learn more;
Identified Contact: contacts that were tagged with Route’s cookie and you have the email. Learn more;
Identifying Forms: Route feature of finding and helping you integrating your site’s forms with the software. Learn more;
Imports: list of .csv files you’ve uploaded. Learn more;
Integrations: section where you can choose the source of events (JavaScript, API or Segment);
Last Execution: the last time an identified contact executed an event;
Personal Emails: a type of email template in a plain-text only design with no unsubscribe link required by default. Learn more;
Regular Emails: a type of email template with fancy html and unsubscribe link when creating a Behavioral campaign (transactional emails don’t need unsubscribe link).Learn more;
New Contacts: the contacts added manually and are not part of a imported .csv list. Learn more;
New Form: Soon-to-be-launched feature that will let you create forms using Route. Learn more;
Triggers: specific data that will tell Route who should receive an email;
Unique Executions: amount of time an event was executed by a person once.

Next: How it works